
Flux can and is the following amphibious forms, characters & personas:

Tox The Cyberfrog


Tox was born in 2023 following receipt of a head, hand-flippers and feet-flippers from CityMutt Fursuits - Tox is a Poison Dart Frog, but is not toxic, instead produces a hallucinogenic substance on their skin if ingested. Often they are found in raves, dances and other music & light shows, where they are a known raver, with huge froggy feet able to move to any sound and often wears cyberpunk or raver clothing. They can be in their original froggy form, but can become rubbery in special circumstances, shiny latex skin instead of their froggy skin, which does prevent the transfer of the hallucinogenic substances, so their latex form is preferred for intimate environments, but otherwise in their native form, they will wear full coverage clothing to prevent making those around them, trip out. See below for some references of their character and their outfits.

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Rapido The Balloonie Rubber Frog


Rapido has been around since 1999 and has been evolving in their form ever since and is Flux's most common form that they take, which is now these days a hollow inflatable rubber frog. Often they are a shemale and often possess a tadpole tail, indicating they are still in their adolescence. Rapido has a lot of art, costumes and outfits, from Latex to Spandex. However it started as a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, fleshy and male. Later Rapido became green and white with blue stripes, which is the current colour scheme, but still fleshy. They then experimented with becoming a shemale and often a hyper too, and for many years and 90% of the time, Rapido is a shemale and often hyper. Finally the time came to transform into a balloonie, which is a rubber-skinned hollow creature, embodying Rapido's colours, gender and form but now with a balloon knot on the tip of their tail, a living balloonie critter. Rapido has remained in that form ever since and Flux, when the desire takes, will transform into Rapido, via inflation or rubber suit TF.

Rapido has other variations, such as blueberry frog, cockfrog, condomfrog, and many more 'private' forms, that Flux saves for just special and close friends.

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