Who or What is Flux?

Flux is a concept, an state, albeit temporary. Often masquerading as a human but always in a state of Flux, transforming into another form, whether humanoid or animalistic and along with the personality and mental state of that form, living vicariously through that form, until such time as they return to their temporary form or transform into another form. Find out more about Therianthropy on a helpful page on this site HERE

They are first and foremost a Polytherian. Generally a Therian identifies as a species of non-human animal on every level except physical, however this is achieved via transformation, which is a key part of their transition, the transformation is the most sensual and salacious part of becoming another form. They often engage in their animal identity’s behaviours. There are other unique types of Therians, such as Polytherians (who identify as multiple species, which is where Flux inhabits) and Paleotherians (who identify as extinct animals).

Flux can be many creatures and critters, from Fox to Cow to Snow Leopard to Slug. Each of these forms has a name, a personality, a look & vibe. Each of these forms represents a part of Flux, whether a playful part, serious part, angry part or sensitive part, plus many more. The transformation into another form is an expression of that part and often it is unplanned, unforseen and unexpected. You show the part of you that feels like you are stuck in an endless job, part of the machine, day by day, Flux represents that potentially by transforming into a silicone cow and representing the farm, the cycle of eating grass, getting milked, eating grass, until it's ended.

Flux is known by many names, such as Rapido, RubberFroggy, Tox, Fifi, Shyfox, Slugboy, Cobalt, Kandy, Karamel, etc. and each of these names is a form that Flux inhabits from time to time, each an expression of their personality and journey in life at that moment in time. Calling them a name attributed to a form is encouraged as it emphasises that the form they have transformed into, exists and is present and active in the world. However Flux is their default identity and if asked what their name is, that is the response, but if you ask what their character name is, they will of course tell you their name is whatever they have transformed into and may well not acknowledge the identity of Flux but don't worry, you can call them what you like, just vibe with whatever form they are in when you interact with them. Flux will not talk to you when inhabiting another form, unless that form allows an element of speech, but will talk and speak in that character.
